
Showing posts from May, 2020

What is Performance Enhancement and How Does Mindurance Address it?

To perform is to carry out and fulfill an action or task. One can argue that we all perform, and though that is certainly the case, some individuals perform at a higher level, more consistently, and in more challenging contexts. These types of performers often fall in the domains of sport, performing arts, business, medicine, and high-risk professions (e.g., armed services). In order to perform effectively, these individuals need proper technical skill. They need to be educated on an effective strategy. They need to possess and nurture the correct physical attributes. They need to behave appropriately within their social sphere. And last, but not least, they need to effectively leverage key mental elements.  If you were to consider how much of your effective performance is mental, what percentage would you say? Over 50%? Good! Now, if I asked you how much time do you devote to developing these mental elements, what percentage would you give? Under 50%? Bad. Not surp...