What is Performance Enhancement and How Does Mindurance Address it?
To perform is to carry out and fulfill an action or task. One can argue that we all perform, and though that is certainly
the case, some individuals perform at a higher level, more consistently, and in more challenging contexts. These types
of performers often fall in the domains of sport, performing arts, business, medicine, and high-risk professions (e.g., armed services).
In order to perform effectively, these individuals need proper technical skill. They need to be educated on an effective
strategy. They need to possess and nurture the correct physical attributes. They need to behave appropriately within
their social sphere. And last, but not least, they need to effectively leverage key mental elements.
the case, some individuals perform at a higher level, more consistently, and in more challenging contexts. These types
of performers often fall in the domains of sport, performing arts, business, medicine, and high-risk professions (e.g., armed services).
In order to perform effectively, these individuals need proper technical skill. They need to be educated on an effective
strategy. They need to possess and nurture the correct physical attributes. They need to behave appropriately within
their social sphere. And last, but not least, they need to effectively leverage key mental elements.
If you were to consider how much of your effective performance is mental, what percentage would you say? Over 50%?
Good! Now, if I asked you how much time do you devote to developing these mental elements, what percentage would
you give? Under 50%? Bad. Not surprisingly, we have a disconnect. Although we know working on the mental aspect of
performance is important, we don’t do it. As such, this mental component is overlooked and under trained despite our
best intentions to do otherwise. We can do better!
Good! Now, if I asked you how much time do you devote to developing these mental elements, what percentage would
you give? Under 50%? Bad. Not surprisingly, we have a disconnect. Although we know working on the mental aspect of
performance is important, we don’t do it. As such, this mental component is overlooked and under trained despite our
best intentions to do otherwise. We can do better!
However, to work on the mental aspect of performance, we need to know what these aspects are. What do we mean
n by this collection of mental elements that, when harnessed correctly, lead to enhanced performance? What we mean
are the psychological constructs of confidence, composure, concentration, motivation, etc. These constructs, when applied
intentionally, help us to effectively leverage the mental essentials of performance, which increases the likelihood that
overall performance will be better. Though this is not guaranteed, due to the nature of sports, arts, and business with
their unique variables outside of our control, elite performers should gather whatever edge they can and leverage any
strategy to do so. The result is mental skills training. Mental skills training not only positively impacts one’s mental abilities,
but it also positively impacts the other four elements of effective performance (physical, tactical, technical, social).
n by this collection of mental elements that, when harnessed correctly, lead to enhanced performance? What we mean
are the psychological constructs of confidence, composure, concentration, motivation, etc. These constructs, when applied
intentionally, help us to effectively leverage the mental essentials of performance, which increases the likelihood that
overall performance will be better. Though this is not guaranteed, due to the nature of sports, arts, and business with
their unique variables outside of our control, elite performers should gather whatever edge they can and leverage any
strategy to do so. The result is mental skills training. Mental skills training not only positively impacts one’s mental abilities,
but it also positively impacts the other four elements of effective performance (physical, tactical, technical, social).
Makes a lot of sense, right? A more confident, composed, focused, and motivated performer is probably, over many
data points, going to do better than someone who is doubtful, rattled, scattered, and lazy. But how do we engage in
mental training? Well, you could read up on and train yourself! Mindurance Learn has daily articles, an informative
YouTube collection where you can watch mental health videos for athletes and other performers, and curated
podcast for performance psychology to help you educate yourself on and intervene in the mental side of performance.
Should you want to dive deeper, and feel like some extra expertise and accountability could serve you well before, during,
or even after a performance endeavor, then Mindurance Now has a host of diverse performance enhancement on-demand
coaches available to take your call when you want, where you want, from who you want, and for as long as you want.
With sign up to session happening in as little as one minute, you can choose a certified on demand performance coach
to brainstorm the what, why, and how of mental skills training. In doing so, you are the expert in your performance
area, the certified mental performance coach is just the expert in the process. Together, you can assess where your strengths
and limitations are and then co-create a plan of attack to more effectively develop your mental skills for the long term… via
data points, going to do better than someone who is doubtful, rattled, scattered, and lazy. But how do we engage in
mental training? Well, you could read up on and train yourself! Mindurance Learn has daily articles, an informative
YouTube collection where you can watch mental health videos for athletes and other performers, and curated
podcast for performance psychology to help you educate yourself on and intervene in the mental side of performance.
Should you want to dive deeper, and feel like some extra expertise and accountability could serve you well before, during,
or even after a performance endeavor, then Mindurance Now has a host of diverse performance enhancement on-demand
coaches available to take your call when you want, where you want, from who you want, and for as long as you want.
With sign up to session happening in as little as one minute, you can choose a certified on demand performance coach
to brainstorm the what, why, and how of mental skills training. In doing so, you are the expert in your performance
area, the certified mental performance coach is just the expert in the process. Together, you can assess where your strengths
and limitations are and then co-create a plan of attack to more effectively develop your mental skills for the long term… via
Feel free to bounce around the site to gain more information. If you decide to progress and to get closer to your potential,
consider and work on the mental side of performance. You can do this on your own by looking around the Mindurance
Learn section’s sports performance enhancement articles and athlete mental health videos, or you can click on a sports
performance psychology coach that clicks with you! Achieve your Mindurance… NOW.
consider and work on the mental side of performance. You can do this on your own by looking around the Mindurance
Learn section’s sports performance enhancement articles and athlete mental health videos, or you can click on a sports
performance psychology coach that clicks with you! Achieve your Mindurance… NOW.
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